Thursday, February 17, 2011

Custom app dev is DEAD. Long live the Agile Business Platforms.

Custom application development is dead. Over the next 3 years Agile Business Platforms development like and Mendix will replace custom development for 90% of business applications. The ability to rapidly prototype business requirements and deploy scalable, working applications in a fraction of the time of traditional Enterprise application development processes is a game-changing business advantage. No one who understands the ROI and business value benefit will hire a Java or .Net developer to build a new business application from scratch. Anyone looking to reduce costs and improve business agility by reinventing their legacy systems needs to look at a tool like Mendix that can deliver immediate business applications and continuous Agile business improvements.

The traditional 2- or 3-year Enterprise application development process run in the traditional way by the IT team is a waste of money and time and sacrifices key business agility. In today's hyper competitive and fast moving world, no business can afford to wait that long to introduce new capabilities, integrate with new supply chain partners, or automate existing costly manual processes. Agility, flexibility, and lower cost are the name of the game.

These Agile Business Platforms can be either on-premise of cloud based Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS) options. The key is to be able to have a business analyst sit with users and business people and turn requirements in to prototypes immediately. This way the business people can "touch and feel" the application and see how their business process will work. They can provide feedback and iterate through processes, problems, and ideas in a matter of days not months. This is the definition of an Agile business and it is the promise of on-demand IT services that require a minimum of custom coding and maintenance. The companies who embrace and benefit from these cloud platforms will be able to out innovate and out compete their competitors by trying new business ideas, improving business processes, and leveraging the global supply chain of partners to produce the best products, services, and customer experience. IT must be the enabler, not the bottleneck to this true Business Agility.

Long live the new Agile Business Platforms.


  1. Great post. I am a big proponent of model based development and the new generation of high productivity application development platforms. At my company (under full disclosure - OutSystems) we have been investigating the cloud for several years and agree that success depends first and foremost on figuring out how you are going to take advantage of this new computing paradigm. Specifically we think the key question is: "How will you move your apps to the cloud?"

    For our customers who have a mix of legacy and the need to constantly deliver new custom application functionality for their ever changing businesses a modern Agile Platform is key. They need to be able to seamlessly deploy applications to both the cloud and on-premise as requirements change and their portfolios evolve. One of our technical experts just wrote an article defining 7 Things to Consider When Choosing a Cloud-ready Platform. If you are interested you can read it here:

  2. Custom application development is the most valuable mode which has made a buzz everywhere throughout the world. It is the right approach which ought to be emulated by each business conglomeration so as to carry profit to the business. With this engineering the universe of business has totally altered the way the web was utilized. There are numerous advances like web promoting, portable requisition improvement, internet systems administration and other e-trade innovations have totally updated the way web is utilized today.

    Custom Application Development India
