Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Networked Content Manifesto

Yesterday Temis distributed print outs of their newly released "Networked Content Manifesto" at the SIIA conference in New York. Ignoring the irony of a firm focused on digital content processing printing copies of their content and handing them out (or maybe that's an accurate reflection of the current state of online publishing?), the manifesto is a good introduction to the concepts surrounding Semantic technologies and "Content Enrichment". In Alliance's Information Services industry focus, wework frequently with clients on implementing taxonomies, ontologies, classification systems, and other tools to automate the "Enrichment" portion of the information supply chain processing pipeline. Combining these sophisticated tools with good Master Data or Master Entity repositories and linking with other internal content or the public Linked Data initiative provides a much richer experience for researchers and content users.

By providing more meaning - more semantic information - about the concepts, people, and entities that are in the document and providing easy ways to navigate through the overall content space we can create a richer experience for the end user and make it easier to discover the information she is looking for. For the publisher this translates in to increased usage which means easy subscription renewals, so that's a good thing too!

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