Friday, November 26, 2010

Forcing new google gadget to load, not from cache

One common challenge when working with Google Gadgets is forcing a new development version to load, not reusing a cached version. A quick search on finds several suggestions and conversations about how to do this, but they are not complete. Renaming the gadget for each save is overkill and not worth it. The developer gadget does not appear to correctly skip the cache in Safari. A little playing reminded me that the key is to edit the bogus querystring parameter to make the URL unique each time you re-add the gadget.

So, as the first suggestion above says, add a parameter like ?nocache=1 to the end of your gadget moduleurl when adding it.

AND... when you need to make another edit, change the parameter! The 2nd time you need for force a reload, set the url to ?nocache=2

Next time, ?nocache=3

And so on...

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