Saturday, November 14, 2009

IntelliJ Open Source -- Good for Java Application Development

I was excited to see the announcement that JetBrains is making the core IntelliJ platform available under an Apache 2.0 Open Source license. IntelliJ is a great IDE, and one of the main ones we use for Java application development. Having a community edition that makes the platform available more widely is great and hopefully will enable more developers to take advantage of the great quality checking and productivity tools IntelliJ has.

During a recent discussion with a client, we brainstormed ways to customize or add on to the open source IntelliJ platform to improve the software development process and improve the quality of the code produced. We quickly came up with a number of ideas for custom facets - templates for common types of classes, custom analysis rules, and specific refactorings for best practices in this particular code base. All good ideas that could make the web application development faster and result in higher quality. A good win!

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