Saturday, October 10, 2009

Code Quality and Software Metrics

All good developers have a sense for Good Quality Code. They may call it "clean code" or talk about it is easy to maintain. When code is not good, they talk about "code smells" or "ugly code" or that it is simply "unreadable". Good developers have this sense, even when "good" is not strictly defined and is not measurable. Good developers go out of their way to keep the code that they work on clean, maintainable, and easy to read. Because they know they (or one of their colleagues) will be reading that code sometime in the future trying to figure out what it does and why that darn bug has slipped in to it.

About ten years ago the book The Pragmatic Programmer recounted studies about the effect of visible defects (a broken window) and the way people behaved in terms of caring about their surroundings. The findings apply directly to software quality as the developers on a project typically look to the existing code base to figure out the style of code to implement. In the worst case, a developer will start a new web page, batch job, stored procedure, or other module by simply copying an existing one and hacking up the code to do the new feature. In a typical case a developer will look for references in the existing modules to see "how is that done on this project?" So leaving the "broken windows" in your code base quickly leads to more broken windows as the ugly code is copied or used as a reference and more windows are broken, more graffiti is sprayed on the walls. Once the code base is littered with this low quality code, it's hard for a developer without a very strong internal sense of what is good to tell what is considered good on this project.

By paying attention to the little details, by setting coding standards and making sure people follow them, by requiring intelligent, useful comments in each module describing its purpose the tech lead or the team as a whole sends the message that they want to work in a clean, safe, easy-to-move-around-in environment. They don't want to work in a littered, trashy, graffiti covered neighborhood with broken glass everywhere. They care about the quality of the code.

One of the things I love about using automated tools to check the entire code base, every build (or at least every week) and is that it makes it possible to check for all the little details every build. In most business applications it is rare for every line of every module to be code reviewed. With an automated tool, it's easy - in fact it's automated! Each build produces clear, objective metrics about the quality of the code base.

The benefits of paying attention to little details, of sending the message that you care about the quality of the application code ripple through the entire application maintenance cycle. Developers are more productive, because the code is easy to read and understand. New developers are able to learn the code base more quickly because the code is clean and commented. Fewer errors are made because methods are short and implement a single function in an easily understood way. Global state, side effects, and tricks are not present in the code to cause trouble when their use is not fully understood by the next developer to modify them. Bugs that do slip through or odd corner cases that seem to only occur on one server are easy to track down because the code base has useful logging, has defensive checks, has error handling with relevant error messages, and only uses data values near to where they are populated.

A powerful psychological benefit for good developers when using an automated tool is that the entire team can see the quality metrics - ideally published on a regular basis and taped up on the wall of the team room - and take pride in watching the quality level go up as new features are added andsmelly code is cleaned up. The team can know that not only are they making the application work today - they are making something of good quality that will keep working in the future.

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