"CMOS" refers to both a particular style of digital circuitry design, and the family of processes used to implement that circuitry on integrated circuits (chips). CMOS circuitry dissipates less power than logic families with resistive loads. Since this advantage has increased and grown more important, CMOS processes and variants have come to dominate, thus the vast majority of modern integrated circuit manufacturing is on CMOS processes.
In other words - because this way of designing and building chips has distinct advantages in improving efficiency and enabling new features, it has become the dominant approach to building chips. Any mainstream (non-experimental) chip manufacturer has settled on this process because of the inherent benefits.
There is a new CMOS taking over the software development industry - "Cloud Mobile Open-source Social." New applications, whether they are commercial software products, internal enterprise applications, or B2C web applications (think "Web 2.0", Linked Data and related) are - by default - leveraging the combination of Cloud, Mobile, Open-source, and Social technologies to enable rich feature, scalable, always on applications that are developed faster and cheaper.
Users expect 24/7 access. Consumers expect to be able to share and tag and link content. Readers expect to be able to access articles and applications on any computer, any device, anywhere. This is a fundamentally different mindset than "traditional" application development and traditional publishing models. It requires new ways of architecting applications and new ways of thinking about data and content. It's a heck of a good place to work!